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Amman - The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education has concluded the training program "Training of trainers for the educational sector" TOT "online", which was held from March 21 to March 30, 2021, except for Fridays and Saturdays.

A number of workers in the educational sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Palestine, Egypt and Jordan participated in the session.

On this program, His Excellency Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh affirmed that "AROQA" is working on training and capacity building in that this course is specialized for the educational sector to prepare and qualify the participants to be qualified trainers.


The program of the "Training of Trainers" course, which was held digitally through zoom, provided the participants with the skills and personal characteristics necessary for a professional trainer.
The training program - presented by: Director of Quality at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global, Mr. Salah Eid, and Executive Director of the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education, Mr. Yasser Al-Nadi - focused on:
Determining the difference between training, teaching and education, linking training and learning theories, and employing adult education characteristics in training, as well as analyzing and designing training needs, designing training programs and training packages, in addition to implementing training according to appropriate training methods and designing a training program evaluation tool.
The participants praised the course program, and also thanked His Excellency Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh for his proactive approach to providing courses and programs for distance learning, which have proven their efficiency and effectiveness in light of the emerging coronavirus pandemic.

It is noteworthy that the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education is an international non-profit association, established in Belgium in 2007, and its primary goal is to improve the quality of higher education in general with a focus on the Arab world in particular, and it operates under the umbrella of the League of Arab States and is chaired by His Excellency Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, And its President is Honorary Secretary General of the League of Arab States.