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 The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education "AROQA" participated in a virtual educational seminar, entitled "Authentic Assessment", which was organized by the "Ofoq" Academy in Malaysia, led by Dr. Raja Al-Jajji.
Professor Mahmoud Okasha and Professor Adel Al-Banna spoke, in the presence of a number of experts and educational figures from various Arab countries. The symposium included four axes summed up in the nature of the relationship between measurement, evaluation and evaluation. Emphasizing that the assessment is no longer limited to measuring the student’s academic achievement in different subjects, but rather it goes beyond it to measure the elements of the learner’s personality in all its aspects, and to indicate the importance and justifications of authentic assessment, and the need to apply it in our educational institutions, as its application is not a difficult process, and it is sufficient for our institutions to have a strong will And sincerity to start practical application.
In addition to presenting and explaining the difference between the authentic assessment and the traditional evaluation, explaining that the authentic evaluation is an evaluation that reflects and measures the student’s achievements in real life situations, and measures the higher levels of knowledge and skill, unlike the traditional evaluation, which is limited to measuring lower levels of knowledge, and it was noted that the authentic evaluation is not An alternative to the traditional assessment, but rather to fill the gap that the traditional assessment is unable to fill. The collective assessment, assessment of thinking skills, and others cannot be dealt with without the original assessment.
As for the last axis, which is the fourth, they pointed to the importance of developing the skills of those in charge of authentic evaluation, and preparing the educational institution to implement authentic evaluation, where models of authentic evaluation were presented, such as monitoring lists, rating scales, anecdotal records, a record describing the learning progress, and others.
For his part, Mr. Yasser Al-Nadi, Executive Director of the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQA), focused in his intervention on the importance of shifting from education to learning, and learning for innovation. He noted the importance of innovations, and that one innovation can make a difference in the region. He also pointed out the importance of framing the original evaluation and the need to join efforts to come up with a general framework around the original evaluation.

It should be noted that the symposium witnessed a great interaction and many interventions from the attendees