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The Memorandum of Understanding to promote quality of education in the Arab world

The Arab Quality Assurance and Accreditation Network (ARQAANE) and the League of Arab States (LAS) - Education and Scientific Research Department - have recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote quality of education in the Arab world.

According to the MoU, the fields of cooperation encompass the following; providing technical support in quality assurance in education; developing information database for educational institutions; dissemination of awareness and good practices; conducting research in education and its quality; providing training, continuous education and capacity building.

Both parties will also cooperate in providing academic and educational quality consultation and support for the implementation of the educational development plan which was prepared by LAS and endorsed by the Arab Summit held in Damascus in 2008.

Signing the MoU were Dr. Bayan Abdulhaq, ARQAANE executive director, and Dr. Faeqa Saeed AlSaleh, advisor to the Secretary General of the League of Arab States, director of Education and Scientific Research Department. 

arqaane and las sign mou in the field of quality assurance in education