An accreditation committee makes the final decision regarding the accreditation of programs and institutions under review, based on evaluating the self-assessment and the peer review reports and recommendations. Only the programs and institutions that have demonstrated the required level of adherence to quality standards will be accredited.
For quality assurance audit and accreditation conducted in collaboration with a partner international quality assurance agency, the accreditation commission of the agency will determine the outcome of the quality assurance review. On the other hand, the accreditation board formed by the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education will make decisions regarding bestowing the quality label of the Organization (Accreditation) to educational institutions that demonstrate compliance with its standards and criteria. The board is composed of experts with significant experience in the fields of education and quality assurance.
There are four accreditation committees, as follows:
The main task of the Committee is to provide quality and accreditation services to universities in the Arab region by conducting reviews of conformity with the Commission’s standards for accreditation and checking compliance with pre-set standards representing a university’s quality and effectiveness. These standards cover mission, planning, academic standards, student support, quality enhancement, human resources, infrastructure and financial resources, and community engagement.
The Accreditation Committee on School Education is formed to help enhance the quality of education in schools and improve effectiveness of teaching and learning. The set of standards represent school qualities, mission, teaching standards, curriculum, student learning and technological resources.
The Accreditation Committee on Vocational Education provides accreditation services to the technical institutions to assure their quality and promote improvement. Such institutions can be accredited through a process of self-assessment, peer review, and evaluation followed by the Commission's assessment of compliance to standards necessary to get an accreditation.
The standards include: goals, programs, community relations, services, students, staff, administration, and financial resources.
The Accreditation Committee on e-Education provides guidelines and standards for improving the quality of e-Education processes. Recent increases in demand for e-Education, which comprises distance and electronically-supported learning and teaching, have created the need for supervision and accreditation to assure the quality of e-Education providers and institutions.
The quality review and accreditation of e-Education involves an assessment of the educational system, pedagogy, learning technologies, courses design, applications, contents evaluation, and the environment.