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Amman - The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education "AROQA", chaired by HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh held a workshop at Al Hasaad Al Tarbawi Schools about the quality of education at schools in an endeavor by the Organization to contribute to ensuring quality of education at schools.
The workshop aims to educate schools about the standards of governance, education, teaching, creativity, resources, communication, documentation and improvement, in order to obtain the academic accreditation granted by the Organization.
HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh stressed that the quality and academic accreditation standards ensure the provision of opportunities for self-learning and improve the educational output of schools through active participation, revision and development of self-assessment of quality in accordance with the best practices, standards and educational indicators in addition to providing a distinctive educational environment as well as high-quality educational experience for students and improving their academic, professional and behavioral performance in line with the international educational requirements.
Al Hasaad Al Tarbawi Schools, extended its thanks to HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, through its Director General, Dr. Akram Abu Ismail, who praised the tireless efforts of HE Dr. Talal Abu- Ghazaleh for promoting quality and excellence standards at all stages out of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) role in facilitating the procedures related to educational services aiming at improving such services as well as the preparation of active and effective citizens for the knowledge society.
Dr. Abu Ismail added that Al Hasaad Al Tarbawi Schools are constantly endeavoring, since inception, through the application of total quality management to bring about a qualitative development for the work cycle at schools in a manner that is consistent with the educational, teaching and administrative developments, and keep pace with the developments aiming at achieving excellence in all operations undertaken by such educational institutions.
Al Hasaad Al Tarbawi Schools spare no efforts to enhance cooperation with (AROQA) for the implementation of quality standards developed in cooperation with specialized international organizations and experts and researchers at the Arab Region level, who are concerned with quality and excellence aspects. This is a clear evidence of the keenness of Al Hasaad Al Tarbawi Schools and their concern about the quality and development of education.
The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQA) includes more than eighty members of the Arab educational institutions. It exerts all possible efforts to provide quality and accreditation services, besides holding its annual conference on the quality of education as well as specialized workshops in this industry. (AROQA) also issues the Arab Journal for Quality in Education as a periodic, refereed and indexed research magazine. It has worked with many educational institutions to improve the quality of education in order to achieve distinct educational levels through the application of quality assurance and accreditation systems and capacity building as well.
The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education:
The Organization was established in Belgium, in July 2007, as a non-profit organization, to ensure the promotion of quality of education in the Arab world through the provision of services related to quality assurance, accreditation and improving the level of education as well as capacity building and exchange of experiences and dissemination of awareness about the features of quality education in the Arab Region.
Al Hasaad Al Tarbawi Schools:
Al Hasaad Al Tarbawi Schools have been established in 2004. It is worth mentioning that they have achieved the second place in the World Championship of Robotics, held in Spain in the year 2016 and the first place at the Jordanian level in the Formula contest, which made the Schools eligible to represent the Kingdom in the World Championship which shall take place, with God’s will, next October in the city of Austin, Texas, the United States of America.