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The Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education invites you to submit papers and studies for presentation at the 10th Annual Conference of the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education in Arabic or English, in one of the following topics:
- Standards and frameworks of quality assurance systems and accreditation in education
- Institutional evaluation programs, quality assessment factors and accreditation bases
- Quality assurance models, school and institutional accreditation and academic programs
- Institutional planning for quality and academic accreditation
- The impact of the quality of education in achieving the objectives of sustainable development
- Any other topics related to education, quality systems, and institutional and academic accreditation
 Provided that the papers are submitted in full pages ranging from eight to ten pages and no more than 8000 words, and should contain the paper:
- Summary of nearly 500 words and 7 key words that refer to the central themes and concepts of the paper.
- The main parts of the research methodology include clarifying the results and the research recommendations.
- Arabic font type "Simplified Arabic" and "Times New Roman", font size 12.
- Definition of author / authors: family name, name, institution, full address, fax number, e-mail and short biography.
Papers are sent to
 No later than 1 October 2018. All papers submitted by three specialized researchers will be evaluated and published in the conference brochure. The best five papers will be selected for publication in the Arab Journal of Quality Education.